
How To Prevent DTH Drill Pipe From Sticking

Abstract:  When users use the DTH drill pipe, they often encounter the phenomenon of reaming bit sticking. There are many reasons...

  When users use the DTH drill pipe, they often encounter the phenomenon of reaming bit sticking. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. To reduce the loss caused by DTH drill pipes, it is important to take precautions.

  1. Regular maintenance should be carried out on the drill bucket. Due to the increased gap between the bucket bottom and the hook, the weight of the bucket bottom after drilling is carried by the bottom of the hole, which is easy to cause the hook to be pushed or shaken by the muck.

  2. Prevention is very important. When drilling into the ground with greater vibration, use low-speed and light pressure to reduce vibration; if drilling into a hard stratum, pay attention to the wear of the drill bucket and replace the edge teeth in time to avoid shrinkage.

  3. When the main volume is raised, since the load will change the sound of the main volume, the lifting speed will slow down, and the mast will sink when the load increases. By listening and watching, you can know the load change in time and change the operation in time.

  4. If the lifting load increases, the main volume should be slowed down or stopped. The depth and geological conditions of the drill bucket are displayed by the depth gauge, and the DTH drill pipe can also be rotated at a low speed to see if there is a load, so that the bottom of the drill bucket is opened.

  5. Close the bottom of the bucket, bump the bucket with the main roller, or rotate it left and right. If the door can be opened frequently, it means that the hook is not strong. The reason should be found out and repaired in time to prevent the bottom of the bucket from shaking due to vibration.