
What To Pay Attention To When Using Drill Pipe

Abstract:  The precautions for the use of drill pipes are not well understood. If the trial method is not correct, it will bring ...

  The precautions for the use of drill pipes are not well understood. If the trial method is not correct, it will bring great unnecessary losses, and safety will not be effectively guaranteed. So today I will give you a brief introduction.

  1. During construction, it is forbidden to mix large and small drill pipes, because the strength of small drill pipes is not the same level as that of large drill pipes, and it is easy to break or deform if mixed.

  2. When connecting the drill pipe before use, the pre-tightening force of the make-up should not be too large, which will easily lead to difficulty in unmounting. And it is necessary to clean up the male and female buckles and often wipe the buckle oil to extend the service life.

  3. Frequently check the grinding conditions of various parts. Drill pipes with too much wear are also prone to danger.

  4. Butter can not be used to replace the oil.

  PH value Water-based mud with low PH value will reduce the fatigue life of the drilling tool. PH value is the main factor to control corrosion fatigue, but it is difficult to accurately determine the lowest PH value that is sufficient to prevent fatigue damage. Many users believe that a mud PH value lower than 9.5 will reduce the fatigue life of drilling tools. Temperature Most of the corrosion rate will increase with the increase of temperature. Velocity As the mud velocity increases, the corrosion rate will be accelerated. Inhomogeneity Local differences in steel composition or microstructure, which increase the corrosion rate. High stresses generally have a faster corrosion rate in the high-stress parts than in the low-stress parts.

  This damage is currently a common cause of early damage to oil drill pipes. Corrosion can cause extremely serious damage in various or several comprehensive forms of damage (erosion, wear, fatigue). Sometimes, several forms of corrosion occur at the same time, but generally speaking, there is always one form of corrosion that becomes the main cause of damage.

  (1) Corrosives The main corrosives that affect drill tool steel are oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, dissolved salts (chloride, carbonate and sodium sulfate, calcium, magnesium), and various acids (formic acid, acetic acid, etc.).

  (2) Factors affecting corrosion rate.